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Zoey Greenberg

Zoey grew up in Bellingham, Washington, where the Salish Sea and temperate rainforest were powerful catalysts in sparking her love of the coast. As a dedicated generalist, her undergraduate studies took her to a variety of biomes and disciplines. Along the way she lived aboard tall ships in the eastern U.S. and taught kids how to haul sail, sing sea shanties with gusto, and care for the ocean. She graduated with a B.A in Human Ecology from College of the Atlantic in Maine. Next, she moved to Pennsylvania and became enamored with raptors. Vultures charmed her. She worked for Penn State’s nature center as an environmental educator and vulture trainer, and eventually her passion for these underappreciated scavengers took her to Hawk Mountain Sanctuary. There, she completed extensive training in raptor conservation and wrote a middle school curriculum on the importance of vultures. She then took a job monitoring golden eagle migration along a flyway in the Appalachian Mountains. When the Pacific Northwest finally tugged her home, she spent four summers working as a whale watch naturalist and teaching guests about the marvelous lives of killer whales.
Currently, she is finishing a graduate program in environmental studies at the University of Montana where she is also a writing tutor. She writes weekly blogs about eagle breeding behavior as the raptor ecology specialist for HDOnTap and is an apprentice with Freeflow Institute. She is also the North American compiler for the IUCN’s biannual newsletter on global vulture research and conservation. When she’s not following birds and whales, Zoey enjoys volleyball, ultimate frisbee, dance, relentless reading, and the color turquoise. She splits her time between the Pacific Northwest and Hawaii.